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IGNITE – 28-Day At-Home Workout

Welcome to Hot Mama’s 28-Day IGNITE Program!

Ask yourself the following questions to see if IGNITE is the program for you:

If you answered YES to any of these questions, IGNITE is for you!


Whether you’re a beginner trying to find a safe, effective program to help you lose weight and feel more energized, or you’re an active and fit Mama ready for a challenge, we have a program within IGNITE just for you!

Fuel – Beginners

Flash – Intermediate

Burn – Advanced

Torch – Beyond Advanced

Our Founder of Hot Mama, the OHM, designed and developed IGNITE after her own ACL (knee) injury in 2015. She had reconstructive surgery a few months after injury and was unable to workout for months on end. She found herself 20+ pounds heavier, lethargic, uninspired and depressed. The only way for her to come out of her low point was to motivate and inspire herself by creating a program that could kickstart her metabolism, boost her energy and IGNITE her soul from the inside. IGNITE came from a difficult place for the OHM, but it brought her from the dark into the light and after 28 days she’d lost most of the weight she’d gained…but…better yet…she was energized and feeling STRONG. She was motivated and inspired.

And…she thought she’d best share this program with the world. She believes that if IGNITE can boost her from her difficult time, it can do it for others, too. Her Mama taught her to share, so IGNITE is here for you to try now.

If you want to have more energy, get stronger, boost your metabolism and just feel better, IGNITE IS FOR YOU!

So, what IS IGNITE?

IGNITE is a 28-Day Fitness & Nutrition program you can do AT HOME, with your kids right beside you!

Once you purchase IGNITE you’ll receive the following:

Let’s Start with… The 5 Minute Flicker!

As a little teaser of what IGNITE has in store for you, Lindsay designed the 5-Minute Flicker. She is asking you to commit to this 5-Minute Mini-Workout every morning for the next 10 days. Yup. Every morning. Watch the video to see what it involves… then commit!

So, what are you waiting for?
Join Hot Mama’s IGNITE program today and let’s get to work, shall we?!

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