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Postpartum Initiative – 4 Weeks

Motherhood is hard and it can often be fairly isolating. We want to help. We want to get new Mamas moving through safe exercise programs and we want all Mamas to feel supported, inspired and cared for through our Postpartum Initiative!

What is the PPI?

Join our PPI!

Check out Amy’s postpartum story to see what it is that we do. Oh…and Amy’s now a franchise owner! Just sayin’! Woop!

Why did we start the PPI?

Because we care. Because nobody understands the demands of Motherhood like other Mothers. No one understand the physical and mental changes that happen to you when you become a Mother like other Mothers. And no one can make you laugh, cheer you on, inspire, laugh with you, cry with you, and encourage you like other Mothers.

Hot Mama is known to be a very supportive, silly, quirky and authentically real community of incredibly amazing women. Join us for your FREE classes today!

And listen…Mama…if you’re suffering from Postpartum Depression (PPD), or if you have the slightest inkling that you might be, please seek help from your local caregiver and then give us a call. Physical activity is known to help combat postpartum depression. We can help you feel better. Please…reach out. We’re here.

I am extremely proud of our Postpartum Initiative. Please help us spread the word. Share this article and tell any and all postpartum Mamas to get to class. It’s on us. Please go to Hot Mama Fit, choose your location and connect with your local franchise owner! We can help. We got you, Mama. Trust us to help pull you up, support you, cheer for you and love you.

That’s what we do. That’s Hot Mama.

Join our PPI!



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